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Discover 19 Inspiring Newsletters

If you're already asking, "what are some more inspiring newsletters to subscribe to?", let me help make your search a little easier.

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Stay Informed and Inspired with These 19 Incredible Newsletters

Over 80% of professionals prefer to receive company updates via email newsletters

What are some inspiring newsletters to subscribe to?

If you're already asking, "what are some more inspiring newsletters to subscribe to?", let me help make your search a little easier. The following newsletters, each unique in their offering, provide a blend of inspiration, expert insights, and food for thought. Let's take a look. 

Morning Brew

Morning Brew 

Morning Brew is not your average newsletter. It's a formatting wonder, which deftly combines informational content with an easy-on-the-eye design. Noted for its succinct and engaging approach, it brings you the latest happenings in business, finance, and tech sector. Not to mention, its humorous tone adds a dash of vitality to your mornings! 

The Skimm 

The Skimm 

For those who prefer their news crisp and concise, The Skimm is an excellent choice. It makes staying informed easier by breaking down key events into digestible bits. Delivered on the weekdays, it brings you highlights from politics, global affairs, and culture. 

Jocelyn K. Glei 

Jocelyn K. Glei 

From the author who brought you bestselling books like Manage Your Day-To-Day and Maximize Your Potential, Jocelyn K. Glei's newsletters are replete with advice and ideas on how to navigate life and work. This is an inspiring piece for those looking to bring out the best in themselves. 

James Clear 3-2-1 

James Clear 3-2-1 

James Clear 3-2-1 delivers wisdom in minimalistic fashion — three short ideas from James, two quotes from others, and one question to ponder every week. If you're all about simplicity merged with profound insights, this one's for you. 

Harvard Business Review (HBR) 

Harvard Business Review (HBR) 

For the professionals seeking cutting-edge insights and researches in management, the Harvard Business Review is a must-have. HBR newsletter offers thought-provoking pieces that can help you level up your professional game. 

TED Talks Daily 

TED Talks Daily 

TED Talks Daily curates the best of TED lectures from pioneering thinkers worldwide and delivers straight into your inbox. Covering a broad congregation of topics from science to business to global issues, it provides plenty to inspire you. 

Robinhood Snacks

Robinhood Snacks 

If you're interested in the realm of finance and investments, Robinhood Snacks is a must-read. It offers digestible financial news that's easy to understand, without the usual industry jargon. Each newsletter brings you the three most crucial financial news stories of the day, serving as your daily dose of financial learning.

Next Draft

Next Draft 

Next Draft by Dave Pell is a newsletter done right. It keeps you well-informed about the most fascinating news stories that are carefully selected from over 75 news sites. The stories are summarized and linked to the original article, making it easier for you to stay updated. 

Letters from an American 

Letters from an American 

For those interested in American politics, Letters from an American by historian Heather Cox Richardson offers a daily analysis of American political events in a historical perspective. The newsletter is engaging, informative, and provides unique insights into the complexities of American politics.

The Daily Stoic

The Daily Stoic 

Ever tried to understand the philosophy of Stoicism? The Daily Stoic, by bestselling author Ryan Holiday, offers wisdom, insights, interviews, and advice on how to practice Stoicism in your daily life. It's filled with practical wisdom that can inspire personal growth and self-improvement. 



If the world of finance seems overly complicated, Finimize has got you covered. This newsletter delivers jargon-free financial news and insights. Boost your financial literacy with to-the-point explanations of global economic events and investment topics. 



Empowering and unapologetically feminist, Girlboss is a newsletter by Sophia Amoruso that digs deep into the triumphs, struggles, and insights from women entrepreneurs and leaders. So, if you love entrepreneurial stories, career advice, and female empowerment, don’t miss this one. 

The Hustle 

The Hustle 

The Hustle is another fantastic newsletter for those interested in business and tech news. Crisp, concise, and often humorous, you'll fly through its easy-to-read summaries of the most important news. It also features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, giving you inspiring stories along with your daily news.

Zen Habits 

Zen Habits 

Zen Habits, penned by Leo Babauta, focuses on minimalistic living and mindfulness. With an emphasis on habits, productivity, and simplicity, it's a perfect read for those seeking peace and purpose amidst the chaos of modern life.

Seth Godin's Blog 

Seth Godin's Blog 

From entrepreneur, best-selling author, and marketing guru Seth Godin, comes a daily dose of inspiration right to your inbox. Crafted with brevity and knack for slicing through conventional wisdom, Seth Godin's Blog dives into topics pertinent to career, personal growth, leadership and change. Be ready to challenge your perspectives with his thought-provoking content. 

Austin Kleon's Weekly Newsletter 

Austin Kleon's Weekly Newsletter 

Austin Kleon's Weekly Newsletter is the productivity boost you never knew you needed. Going beyond the realm of his famous books like "Steal Like An Artist", he curates links from around the web, providing you with a fusion of art, writing, culture and interesting asides. Subscribe if you're open to injecting a creative jolt to your week. 

Craig Mod's Roden 

Craig Mod's Roden 

Roden is a brainchild of writer and photographer Craig Mod who dives deep into subjects like books, running, and walking in Japan on a monthly basis. Craig Mod's Roden invites you to settle in, slow down and indulge in the joy of thoughtful reading. It's an experience akin to a slow Sunday afternoon chat with a friend. 

“The Marginalian”

Maria Popova’s “The Marginalian” 

If you loved Brain Pickings, you'll be intrigued by Maria Popova's "The Marginalian". Dedicated to pondering over life's big questions, it’s more than just a newsletter. It's a heartfelt exploration of the human experience. 

Tim Ferris

Tim Ferriss' 5-Bullet Friday 

Ever wondered what tools and tactics Tim Ferriss, the entrepreneur and author of "The 4-Hour Workweek", uses to keep his productivity in check? His 5-Bullet Friday newsletter gives you a sneak peek into his weekly favorites - be it books, gadgets, quotes, or mind-boggling trivia.

These newsletters, while being insightful and inspiring, will also break up the monotony of your email feed, adding the much-needed touch of freshness. And remember, the beauty of any newsletter lies in its timely delivery and digestible nature, making them perfect reads for when you're on the go. 

So, whether you're looking for daily motivation, insights from industry experts, or just want to stay updated on latest trends, there's a newsletter out there for you. Now, it's time for action, go ahead and hit that subscribe button!


