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Product Hunt Newsletter Metrics and Performance in 2023

Product Hunt is a popular product discovery platform and newsletter that helps people discover new and upcoming products. The newsletter is known for its high-quality content and its engaged audience.

Image: Product Hunt

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Product Hunt is a popular product discovery platform and newsletter that helps people discover new and upcoming products. The newsletter is known for its high-quality content and its engaged audience.

Estimated Metrics

Here are some key metrics for the Product Hunt newsletter in 2023:

  • Subscribers: 750,000+
  • Open rate: 40%
  • Click-through rate: 5-7%+
  • Social media followers: 500,000+
  • Website traffic: 1 million+ visitors per month


The Product Hunt newsletter is performing very well in 2023. It has a large and growing audience, and its open rate and click-through rate are both above average. The newsletter is also very popular on social media, and its website is attracting millions of visitors per month.

Factors contributing to Product Hunt's success

There are a number of factors that have contributed to Product Hunt's success, including:

  • High-quality content: The Product Hunt newsletter is well-written and informative. It provides readers with all the information they need to know about the latest product launches, including a brief description of the product, a link to the product's website, screenshots or videos of the product, and comments from other users.
  • Engaging content: The newsletter is very engaging. It uses a variety of techniques to keep readers interested, such as including a variety of product categories, featuring a different product each day, highlighting the most popular products, and including a section for reader comments.
  • Strong social media presence: Product Hunt has a strong social media presence, which it uses to promote its newsletter and engage with its audience.
  • Effective email marketing campaigns: Product Hunt uses effective email marketing campaigns to deliver its newsletter to its subscribers in a way that is effective and engaging.

The Product Hunt newsletter is a well-performing newsletter with a large and growing audience. It is known for its high-quality content, its engaging content, its strong social media presence, and its effective email marketing campaigns.

Overall, the Product Hunt newsletter is a great example of a successful newsletter. It has a clear target audience, it provides high-quality content that is relevant to its audience, and it uses a variety of channels to promote its newsletter and engage with its audience.

