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How to find inspiration for your newsletter?

Have you ever sat in front of your computer, ready to create a groundbreaking newsletter, only to find that you're completely out of ideas?

How to find inspiration for your newsletter?

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Have you ever sat in front of your computer, ready to create a groundbreaking newsletter, only to find that you're completely out of ideas? You're not alone. Inspiration tends to ebb and flow, and finding the right spark to drive your creativity doesn't always come easy. That's why we've created this guide. This is your roadmap to consistently finding fresh, compelling ideas for your newsletter. 

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Let's not allow the doubt or fear of running out of ideas stop us from producing great newsletters. Start exploring these top ways to find the inspiration you need: 

  • Explore your industry's hot topics
  • Dive into customer feedback and queries
  • Take a look at successful newsletters from other industries
  • Consider the seasons, upcoming holidays, and current events

Now, breathe easy. This guide will unfold each of the strategies mentioned above, offering you an in-depth look at how these can be successfully implemented. Heck, ensuring that your newsletters keep your audience entertained, informed, and coming back for more. 

First off, yours truly and the environment you're in.

Surrounding yourself in a sea of creativity initiates the flow of ideas. Whether that's cozying up in your favorite coffee shop, walking in the park, or simply sitting by the window and gazing at the world outside - find your corner of imagination. Experiences, observations, and personal reflections are infinite sources of inspiration. Glean insights from your surroundings and imbibe them into your authoring process. Remember, your newsletter is a reflection of your badass perspective and experiences, so don't shy away from incorporating personal snippets. 

Skim through the news, review the trending hashtags on social media, and immerse yourself in the conversations that are happening around you. Tie in relevant topics to your content for it gives an edge of freshness and relevance. But always be sure to present these hot topics in a way that aligns with your newsletter’s theme and your audience’s interests. 

Heres some quick tools to use to generate ideas: 

  • Google Trends: This tool lets you see what topics are currently trending globally or within your area of interest.
  • Feedly: An RSS feed reader that helps you follow your favorite blogs, publications, and more, all in one place.
  • Twitter Search & Trends: Use this to find out what's trending on Twitter, a real-time source for current events and on-the-spot reporting.
  • Quora: A Q&A platform where users post and answer questions about a wide variety of topics, it can be a great source to uncover what is currently being discussed.
  • Reddit: Often called 'the front page of the Internet', Reddit has subreddits for just about every topic imaginable.
  • Facebook Trending: This highlights the most discussed topics on the platform. You can look at topics that are trending generally, or topics trending among people with similar interests.
  • LinkedIn Pulse: The tool provides industry-specific trending news, which is quite useful for a B2B newsletter.
  • BuzzSumo: This tool shows you the most-shared content for a certain topic or website, allowing you to discover hot topics that people are talking about.
  • Alltop: An aggregator that collects the top news from popular content providers, ensuring you are up-to-date on all your topics of interest.

Consider asking your readers for clues as well.

Your audience can be an exceptional reservoir of fresh ideas. Run surveys, encourage feedback, or create a forum where subscribers can share their queries, feedback, or ideas. You'd be surprised at what valuable insights your readers might provide to help you curate your next edition. 

Furthermore, don’t discount the importance of cross-pollination of ideas from different industries.

Draw upon insights from experts across various fields to find fresh perspectives. For instance, if you run a newsletter about marketing, you could find inspiration from psychology studies and incorporate those insights to discuss consumer behavior. 

Lastly, make use of analytics.

Find what has worked in the past by reviewing your newsletter’s performance. Look at which past articles have been well received - those with the highest open rates, shares, or positive comments. Replicating these successful elements could offer inspiration for future topics or presentation styles. 

Armed with these clever tricks, you're all set to jump into your creativity for your newsletter. Try out these tips, ensure your senses and mind are receptive, and see how a boost of different ideas start flowing your way. Remember that inspiration often knocks when you least anticipate it, so always be prepared to greet it with open arms!

